Facials and spa services are seen as a specialty, only to be done once in a blue moon. What most people don’t know is that by getting facials done on a regular basis, you can begin to notice major changes in your skin and with your complexion overall. Whether you have problems with acne, wrinkles, fine lines, or any other kind of imperfection, there is a facial for everything. By knowing the different types of facials and what each can do for you, you can begin your journey to healthier and brighter skin!
The Classic Facial
A classic facial is one of the most basic options. These facials are designed for almost any kind of skin type. Even if you don’t have any goals or anything you want to tackle for your skin, a classic facial is still a perfect choice for rejuvenation and relaxation! A classic typically includes exfoliation, extraction, cleansing, a mask, and a moisturizer to finish off the skincare. Overall, it is a great choice for anyone with normal to dry skin.
Aromatherapy Facial
Aromatherapy facials are best for tackling stress and anxiety stored above the neck. If you’ve heard of aromatherapy oils and scents, these same substances are used, except they are used for the skin to absorb, ultimately achieving relaxation. It also helps to rejuvenate the skin while relaxing the mind and body. The plant cells in aromatherapy oils are spread over the skin during the massage, opening the pores to absorb the benefits.
Anti-Aging Facial
As the name states, this facial is used to tackle any signs or imperfections that show aging. Since the facial is made to be applied to older skin, it is recommended for those who are over the age of thirty. Additionally, it is best to get this facial done on a regular basis for signs of aging to diminish. What sets this facial apart from others is that it includes skin resurfacing, which is responsible for helping the skin looking youthful and light.
Intraceutical Facial
This facial aims for brighter and more hydrated-looking skin. Similar to the anti-aging facial, it is best used on those who are over thirty years of age. The intraceutical facial utilizes hyaluronic acid, which is a chemical that our bodies naturally produce. Hyaluronic acid keeps the facial tissues well lubricated and moist. This substance can be used for several reasons! The facial also uses pressurized oxygen to transport the substance deep into the skin.
Brightening Facial
If your skin has experienced some sun damage or may look dull from time to time, a simple brightening facial can help. A brightening facial aims to tackle hyperpigmentation, which a condition that results in different colored patches of the skin. This facial can even out your complexion by using powerful antioxidants such as vitamin C, the best natural supplement there is for your skin! It is also good for removing dead skin cells, which can lead to acne.
Microdermabrasion Facial
Microdermabrasion is similar to anti-aging and the intraceutical facial. What sets it apart is that it uses faster and more pressurized materials to speed up the process. This is one of the fastest ways to achieve a youthful and healthy glow. A jet is used to scour the skin with micronized crystals, removing any dead cells that might prevent the production of new skin cells.
LED Facial
A LED (light-emitting diode) facial is also known as color light therapy. The facial employs certain wavelengths of light to tackle breakouts and inflammation. This is one of the best facials you can get done if you struggle with acne the most. In addition to eliminating breakouts and inflammation, it can stimulate healthy skin cell growth, reduce rosacea, and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. This procedure is non-invasive, making it a pain-free facial.
Lymphatic Facial and Massage
This is one of the best facials for complexion and for relaxation. This facial utilizes gentle kneading on the troubled areas of your face. This facial is perfect for reducing water retention and tension, which can smooth and narrow out your face. It does so by stimulating the lymphatic glands in the facial tissue. Even better, this facial boosts circulation, leaving you with a bright and glowing complexion!
Reserve an Appointment for a Facial at Selah Salon & Spa
The professionals at Selah Salon & Spa are accredited to provide facials, massages, and much more! Whatever your beauty needs call for, we want to be able to help you reach your goals. Contact us today to make an appointment or to learn more about the services we offer.