A Spa Massage for Better Health

woman receiving a spa massageDid you know that a spa massage is great for more than just an hour of relaxation? A good massage actually offers a wealth of health benefits. You can actually improve your body while enjoying a bit of me time at the salon. Everyone knows a good massage offers lower stress levels, but you can also improve circulation, blood pressure and so much more. Take a look at these facts about receiving a spa massage. Our El Paso technicians at Selah Salon and Spa are experts when it comes to providing great care.

Reduce Depression With a Spa Massage

Who wouldn’t feel happier getting a massage? The science of a good massage actually points to lowering levels of depression in many people. Cortisol is the hormone in the bloodstream that the body releases in response to stress. When you receive a spa massage you can lower the cortisol by 50 percent. Meanwhile, this therapy can also increase serotonin and dopamine, which are the hormones responsible for happiness. Not only that, many practitioners believe that the simple act of touch is responsible for the release of all these feel-good hormones. According to the American Massage Therapy Association, the effect of reducing depression through massage therapy is especially prevalent in those that suffer from chronic pain and illnesses.

More Than Just Stress Release

While this therapy is great for stress relief and mental health, it actually also has great benefits on the physical body as well. It turns out that physical touch simply goes a long way. According to the Mayo Clinic, this therapy is great for lowering the effects of anxiety, headaches, sports injuries, joint pain, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, hypertension- the list goes on and on.

The Ill Effects of Stress

The sad truth is, if you are suffering from any of the symptoms or medical conditions, stress may be at the root of the cause. As mentioned earlier, cortisol release in the body is a response to stress. this can be a good thing if you are being chased by a dog or need extreme focus for an important test. But when you have a stressful job or lifestyle, your body may suffer from constant cortisol in the bloodstream and a heightened sense of stress. This is also known as chronic stress syndrome. This is what can lead to things like high blood pressure and hypertension and even depression. Massage is a great way to release some of that stress.

Visit Us For a Spa Massage

If you want to benefit from the amazing effects of massage therapy as well, contact us at Selah Salon & Spa today. Be sure to make yourself an appointment for some enjoyable me time.

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